What Records are Necessary for Workers’ Compensation Claims

What Records are Necessary for Workers’ Compensation Claims

Just like in any other legal proceeding, it is critical to keep paperwork organized as you navigate the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation process. The more organized your paperwork, the better your chances are of obtaining a favorable outcome in your case. This is because, among other reasons, you will be sure to have the proof necessary to support your claim. If this is your first time navigating a workers’ compensation claim, however, you might be uncertain about what paperwork it is necessary to the process.

Claim Documentation

You should retain any paperwork related to your workers’ compensation claim. This way, in case your claim is disputed, you will have proof that you provided your employer with notice of your injury and that you filled out all of the paperwork required to receive benefits. This means you should hold onto accident reports, claim forms, doctor reports, letters about acceptance or denial of benefits, and any other paperwork you either sent or received regarding your workers’ compensation claim.

Besides retaining this correspondence, you should also keep documentation about any phone calls or emails you received from your employer or the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. While you might not need all of this documentation, it is always better to have too much paperwork rather than too little.

Pain and Medical Condition Notes

Keeping notes about the pain and extent of your injuries, as well as how these impairments affect your ability to work, can also be useful. These notes may help to establish the extent and nature of your injuries, which can be a powerful tool in case your claim is denied.

Lost Work Documentation

If your injuries or medical condition left you temporarily unable to work, it is possible to obtain temporary total disability benefits. If you can return to work but can no longer work in the same position or the same amount of time each week, it is also possible to obtain wage loss compensation. Details of the hours that you miss from work will likely be kept in your employer’s records, but you should still keep a log of this time as well.

After all, employers have been known to make mistakes, which might include not providing accurate details about the hours that you work. Having your own documentation that can be used in these situations will make sure that you receive the amount of compensation you are due.

Speak With an Ohio Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you are injured while on the job in Ohio, it is important to remember that you have the right to pursue workers’ compensation benefits. Unfortunately, there many obstacles that can arise while attempting to obtain these benefits and the process can be confusing. If you need the assistance of an experienced attorney, do not hesitate to contact Dworken & Bernstein today.

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