Key Issues When Dealing With Ohio Workers’ Comp Doctors

Key Issues When Dealing With Ohio Workers’ Comp Doctors

Many people in Ohio have seen the same general practitioner for most of their lives. You likely place a lot of trust in this physician and are hesitant to receive medical care from anyone else. If you have been injured while on the job, however, you are probably now required to see a new doctor. Even though this might not be what you want, it is how the state of Ohio treats workers’ compensation claims. The following are some key points to consider when receiving medical care from a physician after workplace injuries or following the diagnosis of a workplace illness.

Determine if Your Physician is BWC Certified

If you would like your treatment costs to be covered by workers’ compensation benefits, the physician must be certified by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Many times, a person’s trusted general practitioner will be an approved workers’ compensation healthcare provider. If the physician is not certified, however, you should attempt to locate a physician who is. It is important to trust this physician because he or she will provide all of the medical care for your work injury or illness and will also responsible for determining whether you are fit to return to work.

Know How to Switch Physicians

It is common for a person who begins seeing a physician after a workplace injury illness or injury to decide to switch physicians. If you decide to switch physicians, you will be required to complete a C-23 Notice to Change Physician of Record. This notification includes details like the physician’s name and the reason for the requested change. If you decide to switch from a Workers’ Compensation certified doctor to a non-certified one, you should understand that you will be responsible for medical payments. You can only have one physician of record at a time, which can make it more challenging to find a physician that you like.

Know What to Look for in a Treating Doctor

It can be challenging to find a doctor you like for the treatment of your work injury or illness. Some of the critical factors that you should consider when screening potential physicians include:

  • The degree of trust and comfort that you experience with the doctor.
  • The doctor’s availability/schedule and whether it coincides with your free time.
  • The doctor’s experience and understanding of your condition.
  • The doctor’s understanding of the workers’ compensation claim process.
  • The doctor’s willingness to accept the workers’ compensation medical fee schedule.
  • The doctor’s willingness to support your workers’ compensation claim through providing detailed reports.

It can be difficult to find a good physician to help. Some people even rely on recommendations from other workers who have been injured while on the job or from their workers’ compensation benefits attorney.

Contact an Experienced Ohio Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Obtaining workers’ compensation benefits in Ohio is not an easy process. If you need help navigating the physician process or any other step of your journey, you should retain the assistance of an experienced lawyer. Contact Dworken & Bernstein today to schedule a free case evaluation.

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